One on One Coaching

Pole dancers deserve to work with rehab professionals who understand the demands of their art/sport.

Too many pole dancers report being injured while pole dancing (as high as 8 out of 10 participants).

Besides having to navigate the physical and mental components of an injury, an added layer to recovery is finding a rehab professional who understands the demands of pole dancing.

There’s often a gap between the end of traditional rehab and the movement capacity needed to return to pole.

“Then Don’t Do That”

My pole journey started similar to a lot of other pole dancers. I went to a taster class & fell in love. One class a week quickly progressed to 2 which rapidly became an unlimited membership. I was obsessed.

Not only was I not structuring my training or doing my Meatsuit Maintenance (off the pole training), instead I was hyperfocused on advancing as quickly as possible. I wanted to be able to do the cool tricks I kept seeing on social media.

Looking back, it’s not surprising that I found myself laying on the floor with a dislocated shoulder. I wasn’t taking the best care of my body. How I was training wasn’t sustainable.

What happened next, shifted the focus of my career.

At this point, I was actively treating athletes of all types as a Sports Chiropractor. With my injured shoulder, I reached out to a local doctor for guidance. Really all I was looking for was an evaluation because once I knew what was injured, I could rehab it myself.

As I’m describing what happened, I heard the dreadful words, “then don’t do that”. I was enraged. This doctor worked with high level athletes. I highly doubted that they would tell a runner to stop running or a football player to just stop doing the thing they loved.

Why was I, a pole dancer, being advised to stop pole dancing? Why wasn’t I being given the same care and consideration other athletes were?

I felt helpless & was devastated.

I was absolutely crushed that I may have to quit pole dancing.

I refused to quit. Instead I deep dove into every available resource. I read countless articles, took courses, connected dots between my formal education and pole dancing. I was going to figure out what I needed to do to recover from this injury.

As acquired information, I realized that if I was having to do all of this work, even with my educational background, how was the average pole dancer navigating recovering from their injuries?

Were they quitting when they heard “then don’t do that”? Were they training in pain because they didn’t know what else to do?

This was unacceptable.

Pole dancers deserve to work with providers who understand what they are asking their bodies to do. Just like any other athlete.

I felt a fire light within me. I was going to do everything in my power to ensure that no pole dancer felt the helpless feelings I did. They were going to have the option to work with a rehab provider who understood them.

Enter the Pole Performance Program.

The Pole Performance Program

The Pole Performance Program is a 3 month, customized, online training program for pole dancers of all levels. 

It includes: 

  • An in-depth full body assessment of your area(s) of concerns, your mobility, flexibility, strength, and technical skills.

  • 12 weeks of customized online programming, delivered through the TrueCoach app, to help you get out of pain, reach your short-term goals and better prepare you for your long-term goals. 

  • Regular form checks on any exercises included in your program so make sure you are getting the most out of every exercise. 

  • Three 30 minute 1:1 check-ins to chat about your progress, life, mindset or anything that has come up. 

  • Daily support & accountability.

  • Access to Dr. Emily through the TrueCoach app. 

Investment: $1500-1660 USD depending upon payment option chosen.

If you were to work with Dr. Emily in person at the same frequency the cost would be $5400+.

A (free) discovery call is required for the Pole Performance Program.

This call is where you will share your training and injury history, set goals and learn how Dr. Emily both evaluates and works with clients.

Who is this program for?

An ideal person for the program someone who is:

  • Struggling with an injury/pain that is affecting their ability to pole dance.  

  • Ready to invest time, energy and money into addressing their concerns.

  • An open communicator and willing to regularly communicate how you are feeling and the progress you are making.

  • Self driven.  Gentle accountability is part of the program.

  • Is comfortable with technology as the program is delivered via an app.

  • Has 30-45 minutes 2-3 days a week to dedicate to their program.

  • Doesn’t want or need live feedback. Feedback will be given via the app but is not live.

  • Open to modifying their on the pole training if needed.  I RARELY tell people to completely stop pole dancing but may recommend modifying your training for some time.

What have been your specific results from the coaching/program?

I've been able to lift my arm above my head without pain every time! After a year and a half (since being injured), I’m able to do pirouettes again.

  • Kelly


Who would you recommend this program for?

Honestly, anyone that wants to improve their movement. I am a poler, but a lot of what I worked with Dr. Rausch on had to do with how my body is affected by playing the violin. She listened to what I was dealing with, and made a game plan for my specific goals.

  • Jen

What have been your specific results from the coaching/program?

Teaching and training pole 5 days a week was leaving my body feeling trashed. Rest didn't help. Epsom salts didn't help. This program, however, complements pole so well I feel stronger and like I have more stamina for teaching. It's given me longevity as a pole instructor which is great because I plan on teaching for a very long time!

  • Sara